My 4 yr. old twin boys and I have a nightly ritual. I lay between them on their queen-sized bed and we discuss their day, hope and dream about the next day, pray, and hugs and kisses then I leave them in the dark to sleep. Last night they each prayed and then I prayed and asked God to "continue to teach us his way so we can be like him". Coleman spoke up as I ended the conversation, "I still don't hear God". I suggested we all just lie there and listen really close and soon Calvin announced, "I hear God through my heart, I asked him for powers and he told me he doesn't give powers he changes people" I can trust that. I can trust it as much as I trust that if I run my car through the wash on the way home from work Coleman will ask me when I washed my car, where I washed it and if he can go with me next time. Calvin is as out there and unpredictable as Coleman is predictable. I told my wife about Calvin's pronouncement and she quipped, "I don't doubt he's a prophet or a
preacher, his mouth never quits running".

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