Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Clark's Christmas Eve 2017

The business year finished and house all a-rush

I with a chest cold sitting here on my butt
With pen on my paper and joy in my heart
Anticipation is high for a New Year to start!
Sydney is working ‘til six checking out
Patrons with meat sticks, cheese, jerky and stout
She’ll wrap up her toil and be home with us quick
To celebrate Christmas and watch for St. Nick
Sophia is here and surfing the web
To find the best music for this holiday fest
She’s scrolling and clicking and chatting with El
It’s a contemporary Christmas for this bonnie bell
Calvin is texting some girl with his phone
He’s helping when asked to as prepping gets done
The lights are all twinkling on trees and on wreaths
The tables are filling with good things to eat
Coleman is gaming between chores and light tasks
“Can we please open something” he constantly asks
“No we’ll wait ‘til the morrow” says Leslie with a grin
(when did she start speaking in old English slang?)
Ellie is surfing and shopping and filling her cart
Her online credit being used rather smart
Towards clearance, discounts, and closeouts galore
Her dollar is stretched like never before!
Now Leslie is busy like a bee to a field
Bringing dishes and platters and bowls filled with food
There’s cheeses and meats, and fruits, breads, and dips
Sauces, and fondues, pretzels and chips
Up to the windows and down through the hall
Gifts of all sizes all wrapped up with bows
It’s been a great year and we’ve spent way too much
But what better excuse can we use to indulge
Today we make merry and spread our good cheer
From hearth to table and far to near
Whether you worship the Christ Child or Santa Claus
Our own business we’ll mind and leave you to yours
Our prayers are for Peace, on Earth and Above
That it falls on your heart and lights like a dove
That you smile and you hug and you draw people close
And give ‘til it hurts to those who need most.
So lift up your Egg Nog, your wine, or Bud Light

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